Sunday, July 29, 2012

40k 6th Edition - Space Marines vs. Eldar

So, So I met up with Brandon today and ran my first battle under the 6th edition rule set. I feel like things have been missed, and feel like Assault was unnecessary complicated at times. It came down to IC's attached to units essentially tanking the heaviest hits due to being in advantageous direct contact base-to-base. Can all wounds really be allocated vs. the model in direct contact, instead of spread to the rest of the group?

Outside of that, I think shooting was pretty intuitive with wound allocation, and Hull Points didn't end up being as crippling as I believed it to be.

So, what I recall from the battle is going to be presented as a battle report below. The points level ended up being around 1090 or so, since Brandon was recreating his Eldar tactica based on the changes to the rules.
While I didn't record things on a turn by turn basis, I can give a general rundown. In the future, I think I'm going to attempt to record events as they happen in order to report here.
Frost Titans vs. Eldar
Mission: Purge The Alien
Outcome: Space Marine Victory (4VP vs. 2VP)
Rundown of units:
SM: Terminator Librarian, Biomancy, F. Stave, 5 x Terminators, Land Raider Crusader, 2 x 10-Man Tactical Squads, 2 x Multi-Melta Attack Bikes.
Eldar: Farseer with Warlocks, Dire Avengers, Guardians, Swooping Hawks, Falcon, Warwalker, Wave Serpent, Vyper.

There were ruins placed in the center of the table, so close they ended up forming the entirety of a buildings base, but it allowed for a good block to Line of Sight. Scattered across the board were various bits of difficult terrain represented by pieces of paper, which when rolled for when they were first encountered turned out to be Brainleaf Fronds. I've got to say that I enjoy the random rolling for terrain effects as it really creates a unique experience. If we would have gotten a more beneficial terrain setting, it would have been interesting to see how it played out.

As far as combat went, I divided my Marines, sending the Land Raider and an Attack Bike on one side of the ruins, dodging the deadly terrain as I went. On the other side, I sent my remaining Attack Bike on a lonesome drive, Opting to keep the Marine Squads and Rhinos (which were glanced by the end of turn 2) hidden in the rear of the ruins, safely tucked behind large walls. The Eldar played up in much the same way and sent forces to attempt to shoot down the LRC and Attack Bike. The Bike bit the dust fairly early, and several turns later an Eldar Falcon sent the Land Raider off in an spectacular fire show. Luckily, the Terminator cargo was already out and engaging the enemy when the Land Raider exploded, and it managed to cripple several Eldar vehicles on it's way out thanks to the Multi-Melta  and TL Assault Cannons equipped on it.
As the battle progressed, one squad of Marines began footslogging around the ruins on the side opposite the action, slowly moving to provide support to the remaining Bike, which didn't need or receive it. The other squad moved into the ruins, biding their time and remaining largely unnoticed. 
The Terminator squad, down 3 plus the Librarian, carried the bulk of the game on their shoulders. They moved in after unrelenting Storm Bolter fire and the Force Staff of the Librarian provided some great hits on the enemy. The benefits it conferred came in handy, especially the slight bonus to strength.
As the battle continued, the Wave Serpent was left standing, but both the Avengers and Guardians were bested by the slow advancement of the Terminators. They began to fall back, only saving themselves from the cusp of running off the field to be hit by more melta and storm bolter shots. The battle largely changed to being everything vs. the Terminators gathered around the husk of a destroyed Warwalker, which provided some benefits in disrupting shooting attacks.
After another round that would see my Tactical Squads going on the offensive, the Eldar called it quits and the battle was over.

What I learned from this battle was that I need to reconsider using Psyker abilities around the Eldar, as my Smite blew up in my face. Also, Jink saves can really come in handy. You wouldn't think they would be as efficient as they were, but they saved my Attack Bike. Otherwise, I was happy with how the battle shook down. I ended up with the Warlord trait that forced enemies to use their lower leadership within 12" of my Librarian, so that was great when resolving actions.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Warhammer 40k so far.

So far, I've only played several games of 40k, all of them under the 5th edition rulebook. I play a custom Space Marines Chapter called the Frost Titans. I've been lucky enough to encounter other new players and my only recorded loss came from a game where I played against someone with a far deal more experience. With the change to 6th edition, I'm finding I want to change my army around to become more shooting oriented, which was the original plan until I found out how much I enjoyed Dreadnought close combat weapons and Assault Terminators paired with tanks. So as the meta evolves, I hope to find a sweet spot that keeps with my love of vehicles and still keeps me somewhat competitive despite my preference for rule of cool and fluff.


Hello everyone, I'm going to attempt to keep this updated on my various hobbies and opinions of events I see within those hobbies. Also various nerdy and non-nerdy musings.
Right now, I'm a relative newcomer to Warhammer 40k, having only played a handful of games as my DiY Space Marines Chapter. I'm also working on a small force of Orcs & Goblins in Warhammer Fantasy.
Also; I'm looking to get back into Live Action Role Playing (LARP) and a potential return to Cosplaying.
I attend Anime Conventions, and have been since 2002. I've seen a lot of changes in the scene, but I still go out of a sense of loyalty.